
We are located at 150 North Oak Street, Ottawa, OH.  Our office phone is (419) 523-3694. 
Sunday morning worship is held in the sanctuary on the second floor of the church.  Worship services begin at 9 am.  Following a break for coffee (and snacks?) Sunday School begins at 10:15 and finishes around 11 am.  When we get to Memorial Day Weekend, the schedule is tweaked a little-Sunday School goes on summer vacation, and more food and snacks appear after worship.  We'll have a light breakfast after worship during the summer, with plenty of conversation to go with it.  No worries about leaving a donut behind!
You can never be sure what resources will be used in worship--ranging from traditional hymns of centuries past to contemporary music to liturgical dance to drama.
Special evening services are also scheduled prior to Easter on Holy Thursday and Good Friday.  There have often been community services as well.
A special service is also held on Christmas Eve. 
Specific times of special services will be posted.

Sunday School..  During the school year Sunday School begins at 10:15 am most Sundays from the Sunday following Labor Day in September through the Sunday before Memorial Day in May.  We are lucky to have talented and dedicated Sunday School teachers for our children--God's children of ALL ages.  We do try to schedule some breaks through the school year to give time off to students and teachers alike.